10:00 11:00PlayaHeart Opening Morning Flow – Barbara Stadler – ES/EN/DEHarta bases, Heart -centered yoga💗
11:45 12:45Centro Civico – Sala de MúsicaMovimiento vital – Elisa Risquez – ES/ENExperience the transformative power of yoga for a deeper sense of self-love and self-acceptance.
13:00 14:00Centro Civico – Sala de MúsicaMeditación: recorrido espiral – Ankara Lakshmi – ESResumen explicativo sobre la técnica EMF y meditación El recorrido Espiral, que es una forma de llevar energía dorada y sanadora a todas las partes del cuerpo físico y energético
16:00 17:00Centro Civico – Sala de BaileConciencia corporal – Elisa Risquez – Centro Karissa – ES/ENExperience the transformative power of yoga for a deeper sense of self-love and self-acceptance.
16:00 17:00Centro Civico – Sala de MúsicaFamily Yoga – Julia Bair Romero – ES
Recomendado para niñxs de 4-10 años.
Pre-inscripción necesario, maximo 10 familias. Contácte con Julia +34663796631
¡Taller de yoga para toda la familia! Los niñxs pueden disfrutar del yoga junto a los padres en este taller repleto de cuentacuentos, canciones, juegos, y movimiento consciente. Un tiempo de ocio en familia, de mindfulness, y de conexión por los padres y los niñxs.
17:15 18:15Centro Civico – Sala de MúsicaFamily Yoga – Julia Bair Romero – EN
Recommended for children ages 4-10. Pre-registration required, maximum 10 families, please contact Julia at +34663796631.
A yoga workshop for the whole family! Children can enjoy yoga alongside their parents in this workshop filled with storytelling, songs, games, and mindful movement. A time of joyful & mindful connection for parents and children.
17:15 18:15Centro Civico – Sala de BaileAncestral Healing trough Family Constallation – Ania Ostrowska – EN Registration WhatsApp 633486149I’m delighted to invite you to a Family Constellation session, where in the first part I will explain the method and show some simple exercises of the way The Field works, and in second part I will offer a full constellation session to one of the participants (we will draw a name). www.anna-holistic-therapist.com/family-systemic-constellations
18:30 20:30Centro Civico – Sala de MúsicaTaller de la Voz del Alma – Miryam Lucena – ES/ENCirculo de Canto libre y de sanación con la voz. En este taller daremos presencia a nuestra voz.Entraremos en una serie de frecuencias en un viaje personal de canto compartido con el grupo. Cantaremos, vibraremos con nuestra voz, resonaremos, y sanaremos…..Free singing and voice healing circle. In this workshop we will give presence to our voice. We will get into healing frequencies on a personal singing journey shared with the group. We will sing, we will vibrate with our voice, we will resonate, and we will heal.
19:45 20:45Centro Civico – Sala de BaileTurn Up from Turn On – Finding Aliveness in your own Body – Anna Lepelaars – EN – NOTE : it’s strongly recommended to join workshop 1 (making love to your nervous system) to benefit from workshop 2.
+ 31643909332
When you live most of your days “in your head” you’ll recognize how hard it can be to FEEL joy, pleasure, and ride your own energy. Ill share some theory and we will do some practices together that help us tap into our own life energy.
19:00 20:30La CocheraHAPPY DANCING – Anahi Vásquez – Centre Karissa – Body Language La sesión está orientada a crear un espacio en el que puedas expresarte a través del baile y la música, dando libertad de acción y movimiento al cuerpo. / The session is aimed at creating a space in which you can express yourself through dance and music, giving freedom of action and movement to the body
21:00La CocheraClosing party La Cochera Latin band

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