
Signing up on the website means increased visibility of your service and being found by more potential clients

It might help you and your business, to register with WWW Spanish organization here via Siente la Vibra which is an interesting platform to advertise your activities all year long.


3 responses to “PERMISOS / FIRMS”

  1. Kim LaRue Avatar

    Me gustaría ofrecer mis servicios de astrología y sanación.

    ¿Es posible que pueda tener un stand para ayudar a las personas a comprender y aprender más sobre la salud y el bienestar general a través de la astrología médica?
    Por favor, avísenme si puedo apoyar esta hermosa oferta.
    Muchas gracias,
    Kim LaRue

    I would like to offer my services Astrology and healing.
    Is it possible I could have a booth to help people understand and learn more about their health and overall wellbeing through medical astrology?
    Please let me know of I can support this beautiful offering
    Thank you kindly,
    Kim LaRue

    1. wwwtropical Avatar

      Hola Kim, Hello Kim, Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I had not seen your comment. There are no stands during the event. Are you interested in proposing a talk or workshop during the event? There are still some time slots available. Kind regards, Véronique

  2. Susi Avatar

    Me gustaría preguntar si hay una zona para acampar allí y si pueden venir voluntarios a ayudar.

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